Thursday, April 14, 2011

Dead or Alive?

Unless you are living under a rock as suggested in the Geico commercial, you've probably noticed that the price of gas is sky rocketing. A fill-up can cost you $100. This escalation has also affected the airline industry. In response, many of the airline companies have graciously passed this increase of the price of gas to the price of a ticket. Thank you very much. As a result, individuals have resorted to some pretty clever ways to ease the pain. I happened upon a news report out of England, where two ladies were arrested for attempting to smuggle something on board an airplane. I know I sometimes forget to take an item out of my carry-on luggage that the TSA had declared illegal, but nothing like this. These two ladies were attempting to sneak on-board a dead relative. Seriously?

The 91 year old man, wearing a hat and sunglasses, propped up in a wheelchair was being pushed through the airport when security got a little suspicious. The article did not say why, but I'm gonna guess it was the difference in the price of shipping a dead body verses an economy seat for a living body. Got to hand it to them for their ingenuity. They were charged with failing to give notification of a death and released on bail.

I distinctly remember reading something in the Book of Revelation, where a church attempted to disguise itself as being alive when it was in fact dead. That didn't work either.

Bottom line? It takes much more than just the appearance of life to make you alive. That is so true whether you're a church or an airline passenger. Just sayin'...

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