Wednesday, April 6, 2011

My "undo" button

If you use Safari or Word or Power Point then you are probably familiar with the "undo" choice in the edit menu. It is the command icon and the letter Z hit together. The command key kind of looks like a square with loops at the corners. It is referred to as St. John's Arms or the Cross of Hannes. I use it quite a bit when writing a note, a letter or working on my power point for Sunday's and Wednesday's sermons. With one stroke from the keyboard the letter, word, statement or comment is gone forever. Just that simple.

There are times in my life that I'd sure like to have an "undo" button. Just think, with this button in my life, in an instant, I could take back a look, a tone of voice, a word spoken or an action forever. The damage, the hurt feelings, the misunderstandings, the words I regretted saying, the harm I caused would be wiped away forever. No record of it. Gone!

I think the reason we don't have one of those buttons in our life is due in part because God gave us a brain so that we could think before we speak or write. If we could only just take a few seconds before we make a statement or respond to something, there would not be a need to have an "undo".

Remember, your words can bring life or death.


  1. God has the "undo" button. We have a "redo" button.

  2. In wisdom, God placed the un-do button in the hand of the offended.

  3. An offended person is like a computer. Once we have put in, we have to go back and ask the computer to forgive our error. We have to admit our error by pushing the button. Like the computer, the person is supposed to release us from our error, upon request. If they do not, there is something wrong with the computer's operating system. In prayer, we understand and submit them to the Master repairman.
